
Mud Flower - Erica Huang
dream journal: who's the dog called forgotten? - SWAINEB
Untitled - Ang
چلسی (Chelsea) - Natalie Fatehi
Oinkonic - Daniel Armitano
New York Thing - Elizabeth Hope
Untitled - Ang
Conversation w. Innerself - Shakira Mejia
QuaranBooks - Ava Sofia Mattox
Untitled - Allie Buckner
Untitled - Kimberly Celeste
His Father's Castle, His Mother's Glory - Matt Scheffler
24 Karat - John Beltre
Untitled - virgil warren
Nails - Nails by Val
Void - Neil Sethi
Untitled - Mark G
Corona Tears - Alyson Yee
Minimal Hill Cops - Christoph K
Untitled - Kimberly Celeste
Vainmocks Vol. 2 - Sam Palmer Novick
Fivehold Winter - Jeff Brain
Untitled - Ang

‘I am extremely excited to be premiering the music video for my new single “All Go”, shot by Luke Kao, with Quarantitty! “All Go” is my first release as Tadashi James, and my first release since Home (as ¼ of Snake Anthony) in April 2018. This low-fi lullaby was written during the first few weeks of quarantine, when I (and a lot of other people I believe!) was feeling extra sentimental and introspective due to spending so much more time alone. Mixed by my good friend Taylor Crawford (A Band Called SAD), it features the warm distortion of a broken Wurlitzer speaker and the sounds of my Brooklyn street to support my voice. Please keep an eye out for more in 2021!'
Photo by Colin Lane
Tadashi James (Tadashi Beddie/ベディ理) is a Japanese/American singer, song-writer, producer, and former
front-man of Psychedelic-Funk band Snake Anthony. Born in Tokyo to a Japanese mother and American father, Tadashi is influenced and inspired by a range of music and musicians from many countries, genres, and eras. Having moved to New York at age 18 to study at the Atlantic Acting School, Tadashi’s focus shifted to music as they joined Snake Anthony in summer 2015. They continued to record and perform with Snake Anthony until disbanding in Oct 2018, while working at Japanese restaurants in the city.
More recently, still based in Brooklyn, Tadashi has been working at a Japanese major label, while also working with local indie acts such as Tabemono and A Band Called Sad with their releases behind the scenes. With more new music planned, along with a new project with 2 former Snake Anthony band-mates, Tadashi will be more active than ever in 2021!
Tadashi's next single 'Get It Right' will be out on Jan. 15! Pre-save on Spotify here!
1. The Future Is Ours -Tadashi Beddie
2. In Your Hands- Snake Anthony

New York Thing
Tickets are like $150
but I can get you in
for free, alphabet gummies
and slime you
put your hands in
beets rubbed all over
the body painted naked
woman with the attached giant
umbilical, you jump
to find your arm hair
combed by a nude girl
under a translucent toga
with a very small rake.

Elizabeth Hope
With Ava Sofia Mattox
Why did you start reading aloud?
Well, I got the idea because I babysat two years ago for a family friend. I would read out loud to her at night before they went to bed, and then they moved to LA and I was really sad! I actually read A Wrinkle in Time to her–she was too young. She did not get it. [laughs] Plus I used to read out loud to my stuffed animals when I was a little kid because my sister never wanted to play with me. It’s fine. There’s a picture of me somewhere with a baby doll and a bunch of stuffed animals lined up and me with a little book. I’m five or six or something like that. During quarantine I was still [reading out loud] and I would go live for an hour a day. Then I just decided to upload the videos since absolutely no one was watching the lives. I’m currently reading the Anne of Green Gables books. I did not realize that there were eight and now I’m committed.
What is the first children’s book you can remember reading or being read?
I don’t know! [sighs] I think one of my favorites is Chrysanthemum. And I still have it. That’s what I read out loud for Bronx Bound Books and I realized that it was signed. There was also this book called Mama Went Walking that I loved, I also still have that. It’s about a mom who’s really adventurous and the daughter always comes and saves the day.
What is the first book you read that you identified with?
I don’t even remember! I feel like I just liked being read to and would read anything that anybody put in front of me. The one time I can really remember throwing a tantrum, and I wasn’t a really big tantrum kid–you’re welcome mommy and daddy–was when my dad was on a phone call. He was late to come read to me so I started reading the book myself. He came upstairs and I was almost done and he said, “Oh great, well then you don’t need me to read it to you. You’re good, have a good night.” I literally put my little face to the bottom of the door crack and was like, “NOOOO. READ ME MY STORY.” He was like, “Okay! So sorry! Be right there sweetheart!” I started reading when I was four. I think my parents started reading to me and then I started reading by myself when I was four or five. Did all the summer reading for the library, always got the personal pizza, yes ma’am, always hit those goals. When we lived in Bayview we lived up the block from Bayview library. I was friends with one of the librarians, Jesse. He was a younger black librarian. He always let me get away with turning stuff in late. One time he said I could keep a book and then maybe he forgot to take it out of the system or something because two months later I got a huge bill. I was like, “I’ll return it!”
What is your favorite holiday book?
The Polar Express. I love the Polar Express. But there’s also–it’s not fully holiday–but Toot and Puddle. It’s about two little piggies that are best friends. One is a homebody and one wants to go on a little adventure and so he sends postcards. They have a cute little Christmas thing, Toot likes to ice skate! But I think overall, actual Christmas book, I think the Polar Express. It’s so good. I still believe in Santa! I believed in Santa for…I said I believed in Santa for much longer than I did. Because I knew I got an extra present. And I cried when my mom told me. I think she was really upset that she was breaking my fantasy and really I was crying because I wasn’t getting an extra present.
What does being read aloud to mean to you?
I just think it’s so nice and lovely to listen to someone else create a story. Basically it’s like acting if the person who’s reading the story to you is doing it well. It’s like watching a movie but you’re listening to it. Which is ironic because I don’t listen to books on tape. I think I would get very distracted. But there’s something about the faces people make, if they make voices for the different characters or what not. I don’t know, I just think it’s such a great experience to have as a kid and to be able to give to someone else.
You really are a stranger to me,
little by little i lost memory of you
When you were no longer
present in my mind
But you showed up and told
me things i know you felt too
In my memory you became
hard to find
Such words such emotions
being shown to me
Made me pause and run back
to the first day
That spot after work we would
always be
You made me remember and it
made me cry

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-Love, Annasmell